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P. 111
Financial performance measures in the private sector
Profitability measures –
key projects
Advantages Disadvantages
NPV (net present value): Measure aligned to Absolute figure so hard
the present value of all shareholder wealth to compare projects
cash inflows – the present Easy decision rule; Based on a number of
value of all cash outflows
accept projects with a assumptions
positive NPV
Cash flows less subject
to manipulation than
Considers whole life of
IRR (internal rate of Superior to NPV in some Overall, less superior to
return): ways: NPV since:
The discount factor (DF) Percentage aids Possible to get more
when NPV = 0 comparison than one IRR
Accept project if IRR Useful when cost of Trickier to calculate and
> cost of capital capital uncertain understand
IRR = L + × (H – L)
L = L = Lower rate of
H = Higher rate of interest
NL = NPV at the lower rate
of interest
NH = NPV at higher rate of
MIRR (modified internal As for IRR Overall, less superior to
rate of return): NPV, e.g. trickier to
In addition, eliminates
The actual % generated by the problem of more calculate and
the project than one IRR being understand
Accept project if MIRR
> cost of capital