Page 133 - Microsoft Word - 00 P1 IW Prelims.docx
P. 133

Divisional performance appraisal and transfer pricing

               Scenario 2: The selling division has surplus capacity

                                                Transfer price
                                             negotiated between

                  Minimum price selling division                 Maximum price buying
                   will accept is marginal cost *              division will pay, lower of

                                                           Net marginal revenue i.e. selling price
                         External purchase price             final product less marginal cost of
                                 of product
                                                               buying division’s final product

               * Note:

                    This is the minimum price. The selling division may also want to cover some/all
                     of the fixed costs and recognise a % profit.

                    The standard cost should be used rather than the actual cost to aid planning
                     and prevent inefficiencies being passed on to the buying division.

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