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P. 87

Performance reports for management

                           Reports for performance management

               1.1 Introduction

               Performance reports (output reports) are produced for managers from the MIS.

               A variety of reports are produced, e.g. from general monthly management accounts
               to more specific reports such as an inventory report for the production manager.

               1.2   Designing a good performance management report

                             Four key considerations

                                 1 Layout                                     2 Purpose
                   The layout should help the user to            The report should reflect the
                    quickly understand the results, the           organisation’s mission and objectives.
                    key trends and the reasons for these
                                                                  In the exam you may be critiquing a
                   Information overload with vast                report that focuses too narrowly on
                    amounts of numerical data is a                profit.
                    common theme in exam questions. A
                    more tailored numerical presentation
                    with the inclusion of narrative
                    explanations and visual
                    representations (e.g. graphs and
                    charts) can be helpful.

                              3 Information                                   4 Audience

                   The information should match the              The report must be relevant and
                    purpose and be a mix of financial and         adaptable to the needs of the user,
                    non-financial (quantitative and               easy to use and understandable.
                                                                  In the exam, consider who the user is
                   A common theme in exam questions              – skilled, experienced managers may
                    is that the organisation’s performance        be able to understand the report
                    report focuses solely on financial            without further information where as,
                    performance.                                  say, the local community may have
                                                                  fewer skills and require explanation.

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