Page 23 - Microsoft Word - 00 CIMA F1 Prelims STUDENT 2018.docx
P. 23
Activity-based costing and activity-based management
ABB draws attention to the costs of Time and effort might be needed to
'overhead activities'. Key where establish an ABB system, for example to
overhead costs are a large proportion of identify the key activities and cost
total operating costs. drivers.
Provides information for the control of May not be appropriate for the
activity costs, by assuming that they are organisation, its activities and cost
variable, at least in the longer term. structures.
Provides a useful basis for monitoring A budget should be prepared on the
and controlling overhead costs, by basis of responsibility centres, with
drawing management attention to the identifiable budget holders responsible
actual costs of activities and comparing for performance. A problem could be to
actual costs with expected cost. identify clear individual responsibilities
for activities.
It also provides useful control information Short term, many overhead costs are not
by emphasising that activity costs might controllable and do not vary directly with
be controllable if the activity volume can changes in the volume of activity for the
be controlled. cost driver. The only cost variances to
report would be fixed overhead
expenditure variances for each activity.
Can provide useful information for a total
quality management (TQM) programme,
by relating the cost of an activity to the
level of service provided (for example,
stores requisitions processed) – Do the
user departments feel they are getting a
cost-effective service?