Page 20 - final-azteclaim
P. 20

Why would you like to be                    really  admire  professor  Poliakoff  who  is
                             remember?                          an  eminent  in  terms  of  green  chemistry

               Principle,  I’d  like  to  be  remember  as  a   and  fuels  research,  which  lands  very
                                                                close to my area. He is very well-known
               good  professor,  for  the  quality  of  my      for the quality of his lectures and for his
               lectures and in the long term I hope that        involvement  with  his  students.  He  really
               my efforts in research can really make an        puts an interest in improving his lectures
               impact in society. I’m focus in energy, it is    and  finding  new  pedagogical  forms  for
               one of the topics nowadays, in Mexico is         chemical engineering and also in terms of
               one of the most important. It would be in        research is known by people in the field.
               every  agenda  and  everyone  should  be         Overall, I think he is the modern scientist.
               talking about energy.                            Another  person  that  I  really  admire
                                                                because  of  his  achievements  and  his
                    What are the most difficult                 story is Sir Steve Redgrave. He was born
                challenges that you have to face                with  diabetes,  he  started  from  a  young

                           as a scientist?                      age training but he used to ride his bike
               If  you  want  to  become  a  good scientist,    around  the  town  delivering  newspaper
               you  have  to  continue  study.  Never           and then he became, I’m not afraid of say
               ending  study!   It  is  a  constantly  effort to   it, the best rower in history. Although his
               keep     up    today    with   the    new        origin  is  humble,  he  has  raised  five  gold
               developments  in  your  research  fields.        medals  in  five  consecutive  Olympic
               You  need  to  know what is  happening  in       Games.  Nobody,  in  any  sport,  has  ever
               the  rest  of  the  fields  because  that  can   achieve that!
               make  an  impact  in  your  research.  It’s      This two stories are a motivation for me to
               difficult to try to become a good scientist      do my best and improve in my daily days
               because  is  intensely  competitive,  you        and my work.
               have  to  be  very  well  prepared  and  you
               have to work a lot.                                Would you like to turn back the
               Let me tell you that when you are doing            clock and change something in
               scientific  research,  one  of  the  main                       your life?
               breaks  to your  performance  is money.  It      Actually, I’m very happy with my life. I has
               becomes a need to look for money for it          always said that if I had to go back to the
               and sometimes is not easy.                       time when I was applying for university I’d
               Being innovative and originals, the plenty       choose  chemical  engineering  again.  I
               of  scientist  and  research  is  something      love  my  profession,    I  love  my  work,  I
               that  you  have  to  look  at.  Sometimes  is    love  doing  academic  researchers  and
               difficult  to  get  the  idea,  sometimes  is    specially    I  love  teaching.  I  don't  see
               difficult  to  develop  an  idea.  Try  to  find   myself  doing  something  different  that  is
               breakthroughs  in  order  to  have  a  real      not  related  to  chemical  engineering.  I
               impact.                                          have  to  teach,  my  job  is  just  a  pleasure
                                                                everyday. I think my research fields really
                       Who do you admire?                       has a social impact so I’m very satisfied.
               It is difficult to say a person because I can
               admire  many people  for  many  things.  In
               terms  of  my  academic  background,  I
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