Page 21 - final-azteclaim
P. 21
Do you prefer teaching or being What was the turning point that
a researcher? makes you a scientist?
That’s the big question! I cannot tell what My case is very funny. I remember I was
I really like the most because I do enjoy having dinner with my parents and then I
both. I like the combination of my job. told them “I gonna study chemical
engineering. Don´t ask me why”. I was 14
What are the main differences years old and my decision was the
between the education in Mexico definitely. I decided it was my thing and it
is my thing, it isn’t a turning point.
and in the UK?
Interesting question, I think both are really What would you like to change?
good. I can tell you the perspective as I’d like to change the perspective of
student and as a teacher. As a student I people in energy and fuels. There is still a
feel really proud of the education that we big ignorance.
receive in Mexico, we are at the level of I’d like to show people that the solution
any country, if not, the better. But of isn’t kill fossil energy, no one wants to use
course, education in UK is on the top of petroleum and everything but we need
the world. The difference is the style, UK to find the way to make it efficient.
is a multicultural country that give you an
interesting experience, in that sense, you What can you say to young
can learn from others cultures. Here you
can find people from around the country scientist?
but is not international, you meet people Keep on! This is like a marathon and that
for all your life since professional to isn’t easy. Be enthusiastic, passionate and
personal sense. patient. Want to share your knowledge.
Want to not stop. The important thing as
How did you feel the first time a scientist is that you really enjoy you
that you enter to a classroom? profession and also love it. That you are
As a teacher, nervous. My first time, I was willing to spend a lot of hours in the lab
because if you don't like it, it would be
a half-year older than the guys. Just your worst nightmare. If it is really your
imagine, it was a terrifying experience, in passion no one can get you out of the
the good way, that’s part of enjoying the lab, you’ll find the security people in the
experience. I spent the whole summer door knocking and saying "hey! It’s too
preparing my lection like crazy, I didn't late, please, we need to close” and then
sleep, I was just looking for problems. I you’ll say "yes, but I need to finish this".
needed to know everything, whatever Don’t be frustrated at the beginning it is
they ask me. I thought I would be more difficult but is better than don’t do it.
petrified if I couldn't know something. It is
a day I will remember in my life, now I
can tell you that my dream come true. I
didn’t know that was my dream, but the
first time I give a lecture I known that my
profession was being a teacher. When
you are really enjoying it, that nervous
don’t disappear.