Page 152 - Microsoft Word - Annual Report 2016
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tablets are still in use and circulation, but are used for creating content, and often are used in group work
              and  project  development.  Spofford  Pond’s  interactive  boards  are  a  higher-need  area  of  investment,  as
              more boards are failing or non-functional than at HLC.

              Technology Investment: As our technology investment grows, so too does our Information Technology
              (IT) infrastructure needs. This means that we must invest in our IT staff and infrastructure accordingly, to
              ensure  that  existing  devices  work  effectively,  and  that  we  strategically  plan  for  future  needs.  In  both
              schools, we are proposing to increase the number of devices. Because teachers  have more access, and
              with  the  support  of  principals,  digital  learning  specialists,  IT  support  and  the  Director  of  Educational
              Technology, technology integration has become a regular part of daily classroom instruction, teaching and
              learning.  Technology  is  now  viewed  and  utilized  as  a  regular  utility  that  must  work  effectively  and
              reliably, as a result, it is a regular investment that needs to be maintained on a consistent basis in order to
              ensure the smooth operation of our increasingly technology-based learning in the schools.

              Internet  Connectivity:  Our  current  Wi-Fi  network  is  at  a  100mbps  duplex  fiber  optic  (steady  state
              guaranteed)  connection,  which  has  been  adequate  for  our  schools’  needs.  Teachers  and  students  have
              reported little to no connectivity problems, and utilization of our digital devices continues to increase as
              the reliability of our fleet of devices, technical support, and network infrastructure has improved.

              Google Suite: The Boxford Public Schools and all schools across Tri-Town Union have shifted our email
              and calendar to Google Applications for Education (GAFE). We are in the process of shifting our storage
              of files to Google Drive, which is a cloud-based storage solution. Our email, calendars and files are stored
              in  accounts,  directly  to  Google  servers.  GAFE  is  free  for  schools,  with  unlimited
              storage, for educators and students alike. It can be accessed wherever there is Internet access and on any
              device: computer, tablet, or smartphone. As a district, we are using GAFE to collaborate, communicate
              and teach students digital citizenship, as we prepare them for a global society in which interconnectedness
              is part of everyday life as citizens and employees. GAFE continues to provide efficiencies for staff and
              students  alike,  and  has  provided  the  ability  for  students  to  track  their  work  and  start  developing  an
              electronic portfolio of work.

              Communication: Our external and internal communication systems are not keeping up with the level of
              technology  our  schools  are  using  and  the  sophistication  with  which  we  are  teaching  students  and
              facilitating learning. Internally, we have a very outdated Student Information System (SIS). Currently, the
              tool  we are using  is  static,  and  provides  very  rudimentary  and  basic  student  information  (e.g.  student
              addresses, state ID numbers) to one administrative assistant in each building. Our needs as a district and
              as a school union have outgrown our current tool. Our current SIS collects very limited data and does not
              provide reports and data which would assist administrative assistants, principals, teachers and the Central
              Office with efficiencies  in collecting data about student progress. The current SIS that are used across
              Massachusetts  allow  schools  to  track  student  biographical  information,  provide  secure  reports  to
              administrative  assistants,  principals,  teachers,  and  the  Central  Office,  communicate  effectively  with
              parents/guardians,  provide  state  data  to  the  Massachusetts  Department  of  Elementary  and  Secondary
              Education,  track  student  interventions,  create  standards-based  report  cards,  and  integrate  school-based
              communication via email. As a way to track student data, the vast majority of Massachusetts districts are
              using updated SIS tools, and the Boxford Public Schools and Tri-Town Union are unable to effectively
              manage our data and communication without an updated SIS. We are preparing to write an RFP (request
              for proposals) to seek an updated, effective SIS for Boxford Public Schools and Tri-Town Union. Further
              in the future, we will assess our external communication tools (e.g. website, applications, social media) to
              develop a strategic plan to effectively communicate with parents/guardians and the community to share
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