Page 157 - Microsoft Word - Annual Report 2016
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approaches and assessment tools – plans with precision and flexibility to enable students to be successful
              (Gregory, Gayle What Principals Need to Know About Differentiated Instruction, 2012). During this 30-
              minute block, our staff members strive for rigor and relevance for all students. The students in need of
              extra support in these content areas receive direct instruction from RTI Interventionists. Other students are
              flexibly  grouped within their classroom  based on clear objectives  based on their current academic and
              social needs. This year, we were able to fund a .5FTE Writing Coach through federal Title 1 grant money.
              The  Writing  Coach  works  with  students  and  teachers  to  strengthen  the  writing  process  in  our  young

              At the Spofford Pond School, Response to Intervention (RTI) services are delivered during RTI blocks.
              Students in need of additional academic support have been identified using data collected from: previous
              MCAS  results,  universal  screenings  (AIMS  web),  writing  prompt  performance,  Fountas  &  Pinnell
              Reading  assessments,  Math  In  Focus  assessments,  and  any  additional  classroom  information  that  is
              pertinent. The students are provided with additional writing, math and language arts instruction based on
              their identified needs from the data. Each grade level team of teachers convenes to analyze the student
              data, discuss intervention strategies and plan for intervention groupings. Students who are not receiving
              RTI intervention during the RTI block are in their classrooms working on identified skills and concepts as
              an  opportunity  to  provide  additional  reinforcement,  practice,  or  challenge.  The  principle  behind  this
              schedule is to have additional time in the school day to differentiate for student learning without taking
              away from the core curriculum instructional time. No new instruction is presented during the RTI block at
              each  grade  level.  Other  students  who  are  not  identified  as  needing  RTI  support  are  flexibly  grouped
              within their classroom based on objectives on current academic and social needs. Teachers team with one
              another to differentiate the support that these students need and will change the support accordingly.

              This year, we have an RTI/MTSS study group comprised of teachers and specialists from both schools to
              examine our RTI process and look at best practices in the field to enhance our programs.

              Fiscal Management

              The actual expenditures and approved elementary school budgets Fiscal Years 2015 - 2017 are detailed on
              the chart below.
   152   153   154   155   156   157   158   159   160   161   162