Page 159 - Microsoft Word - Annual Report 2016
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graduating High School and were less likely to be placed in an out of district placement (Hehir, 2014).

              The guidebook is a “toolbox” of inclusive practices which can be effective for students. Teachers will be
              working closely with their Principals to discuss the guidebook, the information provided and the tools that
              can be used in their classrooms and in the school. We are all excited to see the benefits that inclusive
              practices can have on our students.

              A  developing  area of  need  for  the district  is  supporting  students  with  social/emotional  and  behavioral
              needs.  Social  emotional  skills  and  emotional  stability  are  essential  components  in  child  development.
              From  the  time  that  a  student  enters  school,  navigating  friendships,  handling  academic  pressures  and
              simply  making sense of their surroundings have a profound  impact on their performance. Areas of the
              impact of a deficiency in the ability to cope with everyday stressors include, but are not limited to, student
              isolation, bullying, reduced academic performance, school refusal and hospitalization. A dual approach of
              direct teaching as well as teaching strategies “in the moment” allows the students to recognize the skills
              they need to cope and will help students with the management of these challenges.
              This  year,  as  part of  the Special  Education  Coordinated Program  Review System,  DESE  conducted a
              “Mid-Cycle”  review,  which  falls  in  between  the  major  review  pattern  of  every  6  years.  This  fall,  a
              member of the CPR program came out to Boxford to review compliance in areas of Special Education and
              Civil Rights. During the review, DESE reviews files, interviews staff members and tours buildings. The
              Mid-Cycle review includes review of any area that found to be a need when the full Program Review was
              conducted as well as any new criteria that has been implemented by DESE. We are extremely pleased to
              report that Boxford was found to be in full compliance with all areas reviewed. This is a testament to the
              amazing staff and their dedication to the Special Education Process.

              The Special Education PAC continues to offer thoughtful programs to interested parents of students at all
              grade levels. The Special Education PAC Board is comprised of a parent from each of our three towns
              and  from  across  the  grades,  PK-12.  The  TTSEPAC  has  its  own  website:  In
              addition  to  open  meetings  throughout  the  year,  the  SEPAC  board  meets  with  district  administrators
              throughout the  year  as  well  to  serve  in  an  advisory  capacity.  SEPAC  held  what they  hope will  be an
              annual carnival to help fundraise and support the students. This year the SEPAC was able to run a grant
              program which was offered to all staff in all 6 buildings. Through the grant program, the SEPAC was able
              to generously fund multiple grants, including supporting the purchase of the the Google Read and Write

              New Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent of Student Support Services

              In  July  2016,  longtime  Superintendent  of  Schools,  Dr.  Bernard  Creeden,  retired.  Along  with  many
              celebrations and commemorations of his service, two facilities were named in his honor: the Dr. Bernard
              F. Creeden Media Center at the Harry Lee Cole School, and the Dr. Bernard F. Creeden STEAM Lab at
              the Spofford Pond School.

              Thanks  to  the  hard  work  of  the  Superintendent  Search  Committee,  the  Tri-Town  Union  School
              Committee (TTU) was pleased to hire Scott Morrison as the new Superintendent of Schools. As a former
              teacher  in  Salem,  a  principal  in  Andover,  and  a  Director  of  Curriculum  and  Technology  in  the
              Manchester-Essex Regional School District, Mr. Morrison has spent over 22 years in the field of public
              education.  He  has  also  served  as  an  Adjunct  Professor  in  the  School  of  Education  at  Salem  State
              University, as an Executive Board Member of the Northeast Regional STEM Network and an Advisory
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