Page 161 - Microsoft Word - Annual Report 2016
P. 161


              The 2015-16 fiscal year was one of innovation and change in the Masconomet Regional School District.
              We kicked off some new initiatives and made strides in achieving others, all while continuing as a high-
              performing district.  Boston Magazine rated Masconomet 24th among the best high schools in the state.

              As the result of previous  year discussions with the Town Administrators and Finance Committees, the
              School Committee rolled out a new budget process that was designed to provide transparency and open
              communication regarding the budget development.  Through a series of public meetings in December, the
              academic  and  administrative  areas  discussed  their  wants,  needs  and  future  plans  with  the  Budget
              Subcommittee.  This allowed for an open and honest discussion of potential budget issues.  The proposed
              budget,  presented  in  February,  reflected  the  discussions  and  what  the  senior  leadership  felt  was  a
              reasonable request to the towns.  After considerable dialogue, the School Committee approved a FY17
              budget which represented a 3.4% increase of FY 16.  During the budget discussion, the decrease in overall
              student enrollment was discussed.  The Committee charged the administration with producing a staffing
              and enrollment analysis for use in developing the FY18 budget.

              In  addition  to  the  operating  budget,  Masconomet  works  with  organizations  and  individuals  to  receive
              grants and gifts to help support the academic program and physical plant.  The Masconomet Education
              Foundation (MEF) granted a total of $300,000 during the 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 school years. This
              year, $200,000 of the grant was provided for the construction, equipment and  furnishing of a Science,
              Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM) lab.  A science lab in the high school was converted
              over  the  summer  and  opened  September  2016.    We  also  received  gifts  from  a  number  of  graduating
              classes to complete funding for a digital sign outside the high school.  We will work with Essex Technical
              School for construction and installation.

              As the landscape of state mandated assessment changes, the School Committee discussed the shift from
              MCAS to PARCC and then to MCAS 2.0.  It was decided to implement the online version of PARCC for
              the  Middle  School,  but  remain  with  MCAS  in  the  High  School.    As  a  result  of  the  Middle  School’s
              performance on MCAS last year, the school moved from Level II to Level I and achieved the status of
              Commendation School.  Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education Mitchell Chester visited
              Masco Middle School in May to offer his congratulations to the Middle School Principal, teachers and

              The School Committee and District launched a strategic planning process to establish a
              fresh  and  future  vision  for  Masconomet  –  Masconomet  2025.    A  task  force  of  faculty,  staff  and
              community  members  created  a  vision,  mission  and  statement  of  values  that  are  the  basis  of  the
              development of a strategic plan to be developed in 2016-17.

              After nearly 5 years of planning and work ensuring that our infrastructure was sound and our teaching
              staff  was  prepared  to  utilize  the  technology,  we  began  the  process  to  rollout  a  1:1  digital  learning
              environment.  It was decided that the environment would only be required in the high school and phased
              in, beginning with 9  and 10  graders in 2016-17.  A number of public meetings were held to discuss the
              plan and gather input from parents and the community.  An online store was established to allow parents
              the opportunity to purchase the necessary computer, accessories and insurance/service.
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