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15 Oct 2018,Vol.2
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 CONTENTS     Cover Story

              04 Long Distance Relationships                                                      Editor’s

                         Miriam Chisanga

 04           Great Food Good


              06                                                                                              elcome  to  the  first  month  of

                       A Touch of Egypt
                                                                                                              our  S  Magazine.  We  have
                        Miriam Chisanga                                                          Wcompiled a variety of content

                                                                                                  for  readers  to  enjoy  our  magazine,
              08       Cafe Review                                                                which  contains  Food,  Travel,  Article,

                                                                                                  Review. We got some interesting food
                                                                                                  theme ideas for our readers to try some-
                        Sasithorn and Praewpiraya
                                                                                                  thing  new  in  the  theme  of A  TOUCH
                        Thikhayuthanaphat                                                         OF EQYPT. If you are an Arabic food
                                                                                                  lover, then you must go try it. Anoth-
              09       International Food                                                         er interesting theme is an International

                                                                                                  Food. A great place for chill and travel
                                                                                                  that’s near Bangkok is Bangkhunthian.
                        Kateryna Shust                                                            We  would  like  to  show  you  how  gor-
                                                                                                  geous  Bangkhunthian  are.  Moreover,

              Lifestyle                                                                           we have a special place that also near
                                                                                                  Bangkok ti suggest for our readers. We
 06  10                                                                                           guess that lots of people has a Long

              10      The Sea of BangKhunThian                                                    Distance Relationships and they try to

                                                                                                  keep it work. We also have a special
                                                                                                  article about this topic and we want to
                       (Bangkok seaview)
                                                                                                  confirm  that  distance  can’t  stop  what

                      Pornluksn Tanaudommongkol                                                   is meant to be. Then we want to take
                                                                                                  you to some more serious in emotions,
              12     Clubbed to Death                                                             that is Clubbed to Death. A great story
                                                                                                  that you must know! An entertainment
                                                                                                  column for our readers to find more in-
                      Kateryna Shust                                                              formation about café, movie and music

              14      A Day Trip to Koh Kret                                                      Thank you for your interest in our mag-
                                                                                                  azine, and we hope that everyone will

 12                   Daniel Abedi                                                                enjoy our magazine and look forward
                                                                                                  to the next one.

           Ajarn         Dean Landucci            Publisher:            Bussaree Phumeesuk.

                         (Graphics and            Content Designer:   Sasithron Ouvivhian,
 08                                                                     Praewpiraya

                                                  Page Compositor:   Jamyang Rinchen,
           Ajarn         Daved E. Forde                                 Seksan Manoboot,
                         (Editor, Article                               Kasrapon
                         Development).                                  Oonphueng,

                                                  Graphics and Photo:    Thanisorn
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