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P. 4
Long Distance Relationships.
Long Distance
Long distance relationships are not for the fearful, it is for All hope is not lost for those that find themselves in
ong distance relationships are not for the fearful—
they are for the bold, those willing to spend time
a long-distance relationship. When two love birds do
the bold, those willing to spend time alone in exchange for
find their way back to each other, the tedious long
Lalone in exchange for a little time with their loved
Long distance relationships are not for the fearful, it is for
little time with their loved one. In the age of social media,
one. In the age of social media, one would think that this
phone and video calls all seem very worth it. It’s like
the bold, those willing to spend time alone in exchange for
simplifies everything. The notion that your loved one is
one would think that this simplifies everything. The notion
seem very worth it. it’s like having ice cream as a three-
little time with their loved one. In the age of social media,
just a skype call away would make it at least bearable, t at
that your loved one is just a skype call away would make i ice cream as a three-course meal.
course meal. Yes, I do speak from experience.i asked
one would think that this simplifies everything. The notion
least bearable right? wrong. Long distance relationships are Yes, I do speak from experience. So, I did ask five
five people what they thought about long distance
that your loved one is just a skype call away would make it at
a pain to maintain a thought that makes me cringe to be hon- other people what they thought about long distance
relationships, surprising enough their opinions
Wrong. Long distance relationships are a pain to maintain,
least bearable right? wrong. Long distance relationships are
est. Of course, there are some success stories here and there. relationships. They all asked to remain anonymous,
a thought that makes me cringe to be honest. Of course,
balanced . one of them , a girl ,21 years old, was in
a pain to maintain a thought that makes me cringe to be hon-
support for long distant relationship. “ I think that
When faced with how to keep the relationship alive and the understandable on so personal a topic.
there are some success stories here and there. When faced
est. Of course, there are some success stories here and there.
once you both decide this is it , it’s our reality and
cost of it all it may seem like a less desirable route to take. A One 21 year-old woman, was in support of a long
with how to keep the relationship alive and the cost of it
When faced with how to keep the relationship alive and the
we are making it work everything should
long distant relationship may be worthwhile for distant relationship. “I think that once you both
all it may seem like a less desirable route to take. A long
cost of it all it may seem like a less desirable route to take. A
fine “. most of the people i asked agreed
long distant relationship may be worthwhile for
some and a total no no for others. decide this is it, our reality is making it work.
distant relationship may be worthwhile for some and a
and said something similar . However ,
some and a total no no for others.
A situation that is totally understandable. A long-distance Everything should fine.” Most people I asked
total no-no for others.
there are those whose opinions differed
A situation that is totally understandable. A long-distance
relationship requires double effort than a normal relationship agreed, saying something similar.
relationship requires double effort than a normal relationship
and are against long distance relation
would. it is certainly not wrong when it is said that it’s not for However, there are those who are against
A long-distance relationship requires double the effort
would. it is certainly not wrong when it is said that it’s not for
-ships , “ it’s just hard! , i can’t do it,
the fainted heart, whoever plans on pursuing a relationship that long distance relationships: One student said,
than a normal relationship does. It is certainly not wrong
might lead to long distance relationship should be ready to “It’s just hard! I can’t do it, I wouldn’t do
the fainted heart, whoever plans on pursuing a relationship that
i wouldn’t do it “, he clearly had heard
when it is said that it’s not for the faint hearted. Anyone
might lead to long distance relationship should be ready to
bad things or went through a bad
trust, be honest, and most importantly be very patient. let’s it.” He clearly had heard bad things or went
planning on pursuing a relationship that might turn into
trust, be honest, and most importantly be very patient. let’s
experience , this person was so against
to long distance relationship should be ready to trust, be le
face it most people are not very trusting of their partners whi through a bad experience. This person was
face it most people are not very trusting of their partners while
the relationship he added , “ it gets
together, now imagine in a situation where there is a continent so against the relationship that he added,
honest, and most importantly, be very patient. Let’s face
together, now imagine in a situation where there is a continent
lonely and i would cheat “.This are just
or a couple miles between the two of you, pure frustration. “It gets lonely and I would cheat.”
it, many people are not very trusting of their partners
or a couple miles between the two of you, pure frustration.
even while together. Now imagine a situation where is
Another thing that would in time become a difficulty a couple of different views but it should
Another thing that would in time become a difficulty is
not sway your decision if you do find
keeping the relationship alive. it is said that connection This are just a couple of different views
there is a continent between the two of you, pure frus-
keeping the relationship alive. it is said that connection
yourself in a long distance relationship
and common ground play a very crucial role in the foun but they should not sway your decision. It
and common ground play a very crucial role in the foun
remember to always soak in every
Another thing that would over time become difficult is
dation of a budding relationship. Easy as it may seem, is your life and your choice of how to have
dation of a budding relationship. Easy as it may seem,
moment, pay attention to every detail and
some things are simply better put in person rather over a relationship.
some things are simply better put in person rather over
keeping the relationship alive. Connection and common
not take it for granted because you know it is
text message or
text message or So, if you do find yourself in a long distance
ground play a very crucial role in the foundation of a
fleeting. As a matter of fact, a long distance relati-
skype call. sometimes, where a comfortable silence would
skype call. sometimes, where a comfortable silence would relationship, soak in every moment, pay atten-
budding relationship. Easy as it may sound, some things
onship is difficult but when your feelings to your
be welcomed, over text or skype call would feel as if the
be welcomed, over text or skype call would feel as if the tion to every detail, and not take it for granted
are simply better experiences in person rather over a
significant other run deep, not even a continent
relationship was going through a rocky path. Another
relationship was going through a rocky path. Another because you know it is fleeting.
text message or skype call. And there are times where
may get in the way. Everything that may seem like
downer is the large amount of money and time spent. in
downer is the large amount of money and time spent. in defeat will only fuel you to endure more, in some
a comfortable silence is welcomed, whereas a text or
a month alone, you might spend roughly over
a month alone, you might spend roughly over Yes, a long distance relationship is difficult, but when
skype call might feel the relationship was going through
cases some couples welcome the space and the
3000 Baht. That is usually not a bother because you are
a rocky path. Another downer is the large amount of re
3000 Baht. That is usually not a bother because you a your feelings for your significant other run deep, not
distance itself. if you do find yourself in a long distance
in love and the heart reigns supreme.
in love and the heart reigns supreme. even a continent can get in the way. Everything that
money spent. In a month alone, you might spend over
relationship just remember, Distance can’t stop what is
All hope is not lost for those that find themselves in a
long-distance relationship. when you two love birds do may seem like defeat will only fuel you to endure
All hope is not lost for those that find themselves in a
3,000 Baht. However, if you are in love, the heart reigns
meant to be .
long-distance relationship. when you two love birds do more. So, if you do find yourself in a long-distance
find your ways back to each other, suddenly the
find your ways back to each other, suddenly the relationship, just remember— distance can’t stop what
tedious long phone calls, endless video calls all
tedious long phone calls, endless video calls all is meant to be.
– By Miriam Chisanga