Page 14 - Demo
P. 14
Lifesaver of the Year
Karl Gottschalk
Volunteer of the Year
Matthew Duncanson
Clubperson of the Year
Doug Gould
Patrol Captain of the Year
Richard Spence Thomas
Patrol of the Year Patrol 9: James Ross, Bryan O’Connor, Pauline Gleeson, Heidi Farquharson-Selby, Lisa Worthington, Tom O’Connor, Flynn Ross, Sam O’Connor, Amelia Ross, Hamish Farquharson-Selby, Sophie Boulton, Oliver Dillewaard, Donald Thomson, Xavier Dillewaard, Will O’Connor, Frederik Koelhofer, Nicholas Scordalides
Most Patrol Hours
John Reeves
Most Improved Lifesaver
Russell Quinn
Most Outstanding New Lifesaver
(Pat Fahey Memorial Award) Lachlan Cunneen
Youth Club Member of the Year
Lydia Clark
Nipper of the Year
Maya Arthur
Chaos Cup
John Reeves – Rookie Roster Error
Russell Quinn (L) and Karl Gottschalk
Sunshine Beach Surf Life Saving Club Annual Report 2020/21
Maya Arthur (L) and Lydia Clark
10 Year National Patrol Service Award:
James Farquharson- Selby
10 Year National Patrol Service Award: Gabrielle Collins
60+ Patrol Hours
John Reeves 129.25, Doug Gould 79, Ross Williams 78.75, Aaron Cross 75.25, Lesley Willcoxson 75, James Farquharson- Selby 74.5, Shaun Lees 74, , Chris Price 72.25, Richard Spence-Thomas 72, James Ross 71.5, Lisa Worthington 71, Craig Anderson 70.5, Johnny Gooderham 70.25, Jason Hooper 69.5, James Tilleard 67.75, Maya Arthur 66.25, Russell Quinn 66, Gabrielle Collins 65, Damian Hopkins 64.5, Mark Swan 64.25, Rachael Boulton 64, Ron Greentree 64, Lachlan Cunneen 63.5, Simon Thompson 63.5, Gemma Smith-Welch 62.75, Olive Dillewaard m62.25, Michael Butcher 62, Adrian Freer 62, Gun Meskanen-Hopkins 62, Damien Chegwyn 61.25, Riley Mitchell 61.25, Rolf Rose 61.25, Lydia Clark 61.22