Page 59 - 2024 ITS Catalogue
P. 59

Workplace                     Level:   3       Duration  1 day
                                        Credits:  4      Cost     $180

          (Group bookings only - min 10)
          Learn the art of communication and how to overcome barriers.

          Communication is an important factor in every day life and has many different
          channels. Discover ways to overcome barriers in communication and learn
          the solutions for becoming a more effective communicator.

          In this course you will learn how to:
          •   Develop effective and efficient communication skills
          •   Learn solutions to overcoming communication barriers
          •   Understand cross-cultural communication and its significance
          •   Learn the art of reading and understanding body-language and non-
             verbal communication
          •   Develop attentive and active listening skills
          •   Effectively convey and receive messages in person, as well as digitally
          •   Learn to give and receive feedback
          •   Boost confidence in workplace communication skills

          NZQA unit 9694 v9 | L3 Cr 4
          Demonstrate and apply knowledge of communication process theory

                                               Managing Workplace                Level:   3       Duration  1 day
                                               Impairment                                                            LIVE ONLINE
                                                                                 Credits:  4      Cost     $180

                                               Learn how to recognise the signs that someone may be impaired and putting
                                               workplace safety at risk.

                                               Many substances impair judgement and compromise your safety at work.
                                               Understand the different drug classifications, offences and penalties in terms of
                                               the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975. The behaviours and protocols that are used when
                                               dealing with individuals under the influence of substances will be explained.
                                               You will gain an understanding of how this can not only affect the individual as
                                               an employee, but also the wider community.

                                               In this course you will learn how to:
                                               •   Know consequences of drug and alcohol use in the workplace on staff
                                               •   Know consequences for an employee under the influence at work
                                               •   Understand how substance impairment in the workplace can affect future
                                               •   Know and understand the behaviours and protocols required in the
                                               •   Understand the classifications of drugs, offences, and penalties
                                               •   Learn organizational policies and procedures on how drug and/or alcohol
                                                   related problems are managed
                                               •   Learn what help is available for dealing with substance abuse

                                               NZQA unit 22316 v6 | L3 Cr4
                                               Demonstrate knowledge of the management of drug and alcohol-related
                                               problems in the workplace

                                                                                                    LIVE ONLINE 59
                                   All group bookings are subject to an agreed minimum number of learners.
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