Page 18 - flip-wordtures
P. 18

Chapter 1


       Designing for the 2D clips was somehow of a di erent approach and sequence. I began  rst by observing the
       quote and visualizing the text. I then divided what i had imagined and visualized into the time line that i want
       the video to last on. I grouped every 30 seconds together and then combined the end result.  Emotional and
       visual words in the quote will be used in the typography. They will be resized, colored and animated accord-
       ing to the main theme of the quote. The main approach i used for the clip designs was starting with the
       bigger picture and slowly going into smaller details. Every drawing and image in the clip will hold a meaning
       and a message to be sent. Not all text was animated. Some text maybe still but i added some surrounding
       animations to give the impression of , for example “sting”.

       Trial and error
          While sketching the girl walking back and forth for the quote “ many of life’s failures are people who did not
       realize how close they were to success when they gave up”, i began to do so on photoshop. There was no
       problem faced at the beginning yet the export was di cult and i ended up mistakenly drawing on the same
       slide when prepapring for the walk cycle. I then decided to try adobe animate but it required me to begin
       learning the program from scratch which was time consuming for me because i had already been learning
       Adobe After E ects online. I ended up designing the clip on After E ects because that was where i was more
       con dent in my execution. Below are some of the digital collages that i chose to take out and not include in
       my project.

                                            This digital collage was one that i chose to take out because of the
                                            incompatibility in the images and the meaning of the quote itself. The
                                            translation to me seemes somewhat unrelated and after reading the
                                            quote multiple times i began to believe that Pablo Picasso had some-
                                            thing else in mind that i wasnt able to translate.

       “Everything you can imagine is real”


                                 Another collage that i didnt include in my project is this one for the quote written
                                 by Douglas Adams. The reason for not including it is because i found it to be too
                                 plain and not in synch with the other designs that i have done. To me it wasn’t as
                                 sophisticated and original as the others.

       “ I love deadlines. I like
       the whooshing sound
       they make as they  y by.”
                         Douglas Adams
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