Page 17 - flip-wordtures
P. 17

Where does Wordtures stand?

          As an illustrator, i carry the burdon and responsibility of
       keeping digital collage contemporary and alive. One ar�st
       that i have related my work to is Bri Lamkin. He is a pho-
       tographer  turned  collage  ar�st.  The  connec�on  i  found
       between his  work and  mine  is  that  we both  chose to
       handle  heavy social subjects  and  design  digital collages
       about them. To the right are two examples of his work that
       have  been  of  great  influence  on  me.  One  handling  the
       subject of mental heath, and another, feminism.


       I wanted to use arabic calligraphy in my collages as i found it to add some aspect of my culture. Being an arab
       that is very much in love with poetry and design , i found there to be no be�er chance to combine these two
       powerful things together. Arabic calligraphy adds a spiritual meaning and aesthe�c beauty to designs. It is a
       cultural language that deals with geometry. Arabic le�ers can be stretched and twisted in numerous ways that
       will create different atmospheres around the design. I was fascinated by the way Bri Lamkin’s designs were self
       explanatory. Meaning i didnt find the need to search deeply what it is he meant to say through the design. The
       message is very clear and bold.

                                                  Not only did i choose to use arabic calligraphy to sum up the mean-
                                                  ing of the collage, but i also twisted it in places where i thought the
                                                  main subject lied. Like the example to the right talks about chang-
                                                  ing our thinking when we want to solve out problems. So the main
                                                  reason is our thinking which is portraid here by this hand gesture.
                                                  He has his hand on his chin regre�ng not changing many things in
                                                  the past.

       Thesis outline
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