Page 12 - flip-wordtures
P. 12


          My project is a collec�on of digital collages, GIF’s and short clips that i have set to design to translate a group
       of chosen quotes. The majority of the quotes were by famous “western” people and the rest was wri�en by me.
       In my designs i have implemented arabic calligraphy to add some factor of my background and mother language.
       The designs are based upon my personal perspec�ve and understanding of the quotes, this project has given me
       the apportunity to share my point of vision with the visitors of my work. A�er having asked people what they
       think of this project and if they found it interes�ng enough to an�cipate a further development of it; Some
       found it interes�ng as they had very different thoughts when reading the quotes, others thought it would have
       been more interes�ng to leave a gap in the design for the them to fill.

       How I did it

          I began by gathering the quotes that I have been mostly affected by and for some, even live by a�er reading.
       Mostly, the approach I lead was to correspond each word in the quote to something that first came to my mind.
       For example, the word fear showed up in my mind as a man jumping between two buildings. Perhaps to another
       ar�st, fear would mean being abused, bullied, being overweight or simply being in a claustrophobic place. A�er
       wri�ng what each quote meant to me, I set out to gather images that mean these words and began layering
       them side by side or on top of each other. The same approach was for the Gif’s but the short 2D clips were more
       set out to be a story rather than images on top of eachother. I wrote the story line, narrated it in my voice and
       told the story of the quote chosen.

       What results did I achieve?

          A�er designing the digital collage and looking at the completed form of the project, I couldn’t agree more with
       the one quote that started it all.
       “Pain�ng is poetry that is seen rather than felt, and poetry is pain�ng that is felt rather than seen.” – Leonardo
       da Vinci.
       I can now share what I see and what I feel when reading these words and found no be�er way to do so rather
       than digital collage and short clips where I translated the quote into a story and narrated it in my own words. Just
       as words may hold mul�ple meanings especially in accordance to its reader, the same goes for images. In digital
       collage, layering these images on top of eachother gave me the feeling of layering different words and meanings
       on top of eachother to send out the message in the way that my eye sees it. I enjoyed leaving some void open
       for the viewer to fill in his/her own way. That was done by leaving some empty space in the designs and not
       having the whole portrait packed with words and images.
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