Page 10 - flip-wordtures
P. 10
Quote (18) :
“Some people feel the rain, Others just get wet”
Bob Marley
For this quote by Bob Marley, i have designed a one minute 2D clip that tells the story of a young girl wai�ng
anxiously for that �me of year. The first rain of the year is her chance to let go of all the demons in her. She runs
outside to be washed by the crystal clear rain and thanks it for giving her another chance to learn. To her, rain is
her therapy and way into another chapter of life. When she stands under the rain, the word “Op�mis�c” in arabic
shows to come down from the sky. Below are some screenshots during the process of designing.
Happiness Chance
For the part of the video where the girl stands under the rain, i
placed every part that i want to animate in a di erent layeras
shown on the left side. This image was taken from
and edited to look somehow di erent. Below is the original