Page 13 - flip-wordtures
P. 13
Chapter 4
Knowing what people thought of my project was of great imporantce to me as it helped me to direct my work in
a par�cular direc�on. I have chosen a group of around 80 people in the area that i live in. They are in the same
age range ( 25-35 ) and are all interested in art and digital media. The survey consists of three ques�on :
1- Which do you find to be more expressive. Images/ illustra�ons or words?
2- Do you believe that the message you recieve when looking at a design/collage is perspec�ve to its viewer or
can the ar�st deliver his message as it is?
3- What is the first thought that comes to your mind when you see arabic calligraphy?
72% said they found images/illustra�ons more expressive while 28% voted for words.
68% found the image recieved from an illustra�on is perspec�ve to its viewer while 32% said that the ar�st can
deliver his message just as he wants the viewer to recieve it.
Below is the list of words people used to describe art that has arabic calligraphy in it :