Page 6 - flip-wordtures
P. 6
Quote (11) :
“We tend to get what we expect”
Norman Vincent Peale
splash in the face
Norman Peale talks here about ge�ng what we expect. The main character is a
young woman ( photographed by me ). The black smudge of color represents a bad
incident or a bad choice and the white one is represen��ve of a pleasant one. She
was always expec�ng that happy incident to happen. She believed so strongly in her
power of a�rac�on that the bad (black) incident went to the other direc�on and she
got exactly what she was looking for. In arabic le�ers i have spelled the word “expect”
and chose a bright blue color to make it stand out. Our expecta�ons are what we get.
Closed eyes
Quote (12) :
“If you don’t read and can’t read, your prac�cally one”
Wala’ AlShawabkeh
Empty hand
This is a quote wri�en by me. It is to promote people to read. Reading is excercising
the brain muscle and keeping it s�mulated.It improves our focus and communica-
�on skills. Both young men in the collage are shown to be illiterate. The man on the
le� can read, but holds no book in his hand. The mushroom in his head is to show
how ro�en ones brain can be if it is not introduced to new vocabulary and books.
The man on the right side can’t read and that is shown by the s�pe of paint that i
have added over his eyes. The colorful rays coming out of his brain are to show how
interested he is to read and learn once he opened the book and how every cell in his
brain got ac�vated when he began trying to read. In arabic le�ers i have spelled the
word “words” and wrapped it around both of them.