Page 3 - flip-wordtures
P. 3
Quote (5) :
“I only regret that i have but one life to lose for my country.”
Nathan Hale
memories in the back Dead bodies
In this quote by Nathan Hale,i felt sorrow, helplessness and a heroic standing. In the
back i have placed an image of soldiers leading eachother to their point of gathering
to place their “one” life on a golden plate to serve for their country. The reason for
chosing the blue-gray color is to give the impression of an old memory which is the
reason he is giving his country all what he’s got. It is what keeps the soldier stronger.
Out of the gun, there is a fountain of flowers coming down. These flowers will touch
the ground and keep it colorful and alive. Instead of bullets shoo�ng out, i have
placed this flower fall because the aim of the soldier is to protect his country, not
destroy another and even if he had more than one life to give, he wont think twice
to do so. In arabic le�ers i have spelled the word “country” in arabic le�ers are twist-
ed them around the soldiers legs because his country is what will lead his way and
Quote (6) :
“What was silent in the father speaks in the son, and o�en I found in the son the unveiled secret
of the father.” Friedrich Nietzsche
Key Open head
In this quote by Nietzsche, the main characters are of four genera�ons. The eldest
is shown on the base of the pyramid,has a clock on his ear to show that he has
chosen silence by the passage of �me and roots extending out of him to show
elderness and genes being passed on. He chose not to be bare and clear with his
imperfec�ons and sins infront of his son and chose to live his life head up with
pride. That was his key to con�nua�on but when his son grew up, he started to
show his fathers brains, acts, and almost every unveiled truth that the father tried
to hold back ( the son found the key, or perhaps the key found the son). The
background shows a clock, this was to portray that by �me, all truth is shown no
ma�er how hard one tries to keep secret. I then spelled the word “genera�on” in
arabic le�ers are posted it on top of �me to show that genes have taken over what
�me has tried to hide.