Page 2 - flip-wordtures
P. 2
Quote (3) :
“To love and be loved is to feel the sun on both sides.”
David Viscott
Two people empty void Rays/ stripes
In this quote by David Visco�, it mean�ons to love and be loved, for that i have
included two main characters in the collage. The word feel was translated in a void as
seen in the woman and man, that void will only be filled by love and the rays of the
sun that will be felt on both sides of the void. I chose to have some layers desaturated
and others very colorful as this is what love is all about. The ups and dows of it all.
Between them both, i split the le�ers of the word “love” in arabic.
At first, some of the collages were designed as
landscape but i chose to change them back to
portraits because i found them to be more
aesthe�c in the flip book. I also reduced the sat-
ura�on of the background to make the two charac-
ters stand out.
Quote (4) :
"Do one thing every day that scares you”
Eleanor Roosevelt
leap Moon by �me Gap under
This quote by Eleanor Roosevelt talks about taking chances and not being in�midated
by fear. I show the main character leaping from one end to the other end of the
collage with no account for the gap down under which was to mirror the word
“scares”. At first he looks somewhat transparant and becomes bolder by �me. Time
here is shown by the change in the moom appearance. Regardless of all danger
awai�ng for him from below which is some�mes people ( man on the lower le� )
wai�ng for you to fall and not con�nue your path of bravery. In arabic le�ers i have
spelled the word (take chances) and have wrapped it around his legs and body. The
reason for choosing killer animals in the bo�om is to show how scared we some�mes
are to fall and think that it might be the end.
“Painting is poetry that is seen rather than
felt, and poetry is painting that is felt rather
than seen.” – Leonardo da Vinci