Page 78 - تقرير سنوي 1
P. 78

1436 |1435 ‫التقرير السنوي لكلية التمـريض‬

List of New / Improved Programs According to College / Department and Degree

          Program   Degree    Program State  Department       Scientific       Decree of
# Name                                                        Specialty         Approval

          Bridging                                                        Number Date
1 Program
                    Bachelor    New          General Nursing  General
     Number of        (BSc)                       Bachelor    Nursing
     Improved                 Masters                   0
      Programs         PhD        0               Bachelor     Higher     Total
    According to                                        1     Diploma
                         0    Masters
       Degree          PhD        0                           00

 Number of New           0                                     Higher     Total
      Programs                                                Diploma

    According to                                              01

The College of Nursing, on this School Year 2014- 2015, has a created a New Program, which is the
Bridging Program. In this program, Saudi Nursing Staff in the Hospitals and other Nursing Insti-
tutions were granted opportunity to continue their professional education accorded by the govern-
ment, to become Professional Nurses, uplifting the quality of Nursing Career in the Kingdom. No
Programs were improved in all levels in the College of Nursing.

   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83