Page 81 - تقرير سنوي 1
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1436 |1435 ‫التقرير السنوي لكلية التمـريض‬

                        Scientific Production Data                                             Researcher’s Data

    # Department        Title of the                 Specialty         Type of       State     Number   Names
                         Scientific                                   Scientific     of the     of Re-
                        Production                                   Production    Scientific  search-

             Nursing    Workplace Violence to-                        Applied                           Dr. Hanan
        Administration  ward Nursing Personnel                       Research
    6                                                     Nursing                 Published    2        Ezzat,
         & Education      in a Saudi University      Administration    Study                            Ms. Fawzia

    7        Nursing       A Meta - Analysis on           Nursing     Applied     Ongoing                Dr. Hanan Ez-
        Administration  Health Literacy , Its Chal-  Administration  Research                  2 zat, Dr. Hazel
                        lenges and Strategies : A
         & Education                                                   Study                               Villagracia
                            Nursing Perspective

                        Relationship between                                                            Dr. Hanan

    8        Nursing    Learning Style and Read-          Nursing     Applied     Ongoing      2          Ezzat, Ms.
        Administration    iness for Self-Directed    Administration  Research                           Nesreen Abou

         & Education    Learning Among Nursing                         Study                            Assy


                        Breast Cancer, Breast                                                              Prof. Dr.
        Maternity &     Self-Examination                             Applied                            Moawed, Dr.
    9 Child Health knowledge among fe- Women Health Research Published                         2           Zamzam

        Care Nursing male high school stu-                           Study                              Prof. Dr. Sal-
                                                                                                        ma Moawed,
                        dents in Riyadh City
                                                                                                            Dr. Sa-
    10   Nursing Ad-    knowledge and practice                          Inter-    Published             harZamzam
         ministration   of breast self-examina-                       national                          Dr. Olfat Sa-
         & Education     tion among groups of                        Research
         collaboration                                               Journal of                               lem
        with Maternity     female nursing stu-                       Biological
        & Child Health        dents, Riyadh,                         Sciences
         Care Nursing
                        Kingdom of Saudi Ara-                           ISSN
                                       bia                             2278-

   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86