Page 83 - تقرير سنوي 1
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1436 |1435 ‫التقرير السنوي لكلية التمـريض‬

                       Scientific Production Data                                          Researcher’s Data

    # Department       Title of the                Specialty        Type of      State      Number    Names
                        Scientific                                 Scientific    of the      of Re-
                       Production                                   Produc-    Scientific  searchers

        Maternity &          Obesity
                       Epidemic among
    15  Child Health                               Child Health    Research    Ongoing     1          Ms. Hanan
        Care Nursing       Australian                                Paper                            Al-Zahrany

        Maternity & The Effects of Cesare-          Applied         Applied                           Ms. Hanan
                                                   Research        Research                           Al-Zahrany
    16 Child Health    an Birth on                                             Ongoing     1
                                                     Study           Study
        Care Nursing Breastfeeding Initiation

    17  Community &    Sources of Pressure as      Community &     Research    Published   3           Ms. Mofida
        Mental Health   Perceived by Nursing       Mental Health     Paper                            AL-Barak, Dr.
                       Students at King Saud                                                          Mona Talaat,
            Nursing                                    Nursing
                                University                                                               Prof. Dr.
                                                                                                      Elham Fayad

                                                                                                      Dr. Essmat

                       Effect of Parents and Peer                                                     M. Gemeay,

    18  Community &    Attachment on Academic       Psychological   Applied    Published   4            Ms. Eman
        Mental Health  Achievement of late Ado-    Health Nursing  Research                             S Ahmed,
                       lescent Nursing Students                                                       Ms. Eman R.
            Nursing                                                  Study                            Ahmad, Ms.
                       «A Comparative Study»
                                                                                                      Sanaa M. Ab-


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