Page 84 - تقرير سنوي 1
P. 84

1436 |1435 ‫التقرير السنوي لكلية التمـريض‬

                      Scientific Production Data                                        Researcher’s Data

# Department          Title of the             Specialty         Type of      State      Number    Names
                       Scientific                               Scientific    of the      of Re-
                      Production                                 Produc-    Scientific  searchers

         Maternity &            Breast         Women Health      Applied    Published   2                Prof.
19 Child Health       Cancer, Breast Self-                      Research                             Dr. Salma
                      Examination knowl-                                                           Moawed, Ms.
        Care Nursing                                            Study
                           edge among

                                                                                                   Prof. Dr. Sal-

                      Infertility Related                                                          ma Moawed,

        Community &   Stressors in Saudi       Women Health,    Research    Ongoing     4          Dr. Essmat
20 Mental Health      Women Initiating I       & Psychological    Paper                            M. Gemeay,
                      n-Vitro Fertilization                                                        Dr. Essmat
            Nursing                                  Health

                      (IVF)                                                                        Mansour, Dr.

                                                                                                   Mona Elnady

                      Efficacy of Counselling

21  Community &         for Cervical Cancer    Community         Applied    Ongoing     3          -
    Mental Health     Screening & Protective      Health        Research

        Nursing        Procedures on Saudi                        Study
                       Women’s Health Be-

                      lieves & Practices

22  Community &         Caregivers Emotion     Mental Health    Research    Ongoing     2          Prof. Dr. El-
    Mental Health     Self- Regulation Strat-      Nursing        Paper                            ham Fayad,

        Nursing                    egies                                                            Ms. Nada

   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89