Page 86 - تقرير سنوي 1
P. 86

1436 |1435 ‫التقرير السنوي لكلية التمـريض‬

                     Scientific Production Data                                      Researcher’s Data

# Department         Title of the Scientific  Specialty       Type of      State     Num-         Names
                            Production                       Scientific    of the    ber of
                                                              Produc-    Scientific
                                                                          Produc-     Re-

                                                                                                  Ms. Nasee-

    Medical              Assessing patient    Medical                                             ma Al-Awagi,
    Surgical          safety culture among    Surgical
28  Nursing          health care personal at  Nursing         Applied    Published   3       Prof. Dr. Khaled
                     national guard hospital                 Research                        Al-Serimi, Prof.

                                                             Study                                Dr. Ahmed


                      Translation or Authorship          0
                             Research Paper
Number of Published                                      5 Number of Faculty Members
 Production Accord-    Applied Research Study
                                                             Who have published Scientif-         18
       ing to Type   Total                                                                        16
                      Translation or Authorship          7   ic Production this Academic
Number of Ongoing                                                             Year
       Production            Research Paper
                       Applied Research Study            12
  According to Type  Total
                                                                             Number of Faculty

                                                         6 Members Who have
                                                                            published Scientific

                                                         8 Production this Academic


   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91