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and wouldn’t be able to carry out his assignment. Feeling quite vulnerable and weakened, he still aempted to carry out his role, hoping that someone would help him with the reading of the manuscripts.
Aer arriving at the hotel in Rome where the conference would be held, Mr. Narasimhan was approached by the many people who wanted their manuscripts reviewed. Poor Narasimhan didn’t know where to turn in his predicament, and in complete frustration prayed to Swami for help. He was astonished when his glasses instantly fell out of nowhere onto the bed beside him. How happy he was to have this miraculous, personal experience of seeing Swami’s omnipresence, thus giving him the sight to carry out his physical and spiritual duties.
Offering All with Intensity
Seeing Sai in the world means being with him all the time and offering everything to him. By always asking, “Is this what Swami wants?” he becomes a constant companion and closest friend. To accomplish this closeness, our efforts must be intense, sincere, and steady even through adversity. Dr. Hislop once asked Swami, “Why, aer many years of sadhana (spiritual discipline) have I not yet aained self-realization?” Swami answered with one word, “Intensity.”
Sai Baba spoke about an unusual incident that happened about one hundred years ago in India. It illustrates that all- consuming closeness with God can actually make us one with Him. This closeness is achieved when we offer everything to God with no other thought and with renunciation of all aachment to the self. It also cautions us that the path can be trying.
Swami told of a poor woman who took to her task of cleaning her humble abode in a disciplined manner every day. She would sweep the floor of her house with a dung ball, which had antiseptic properties. When she was finished, she took the

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