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Later, when I had the opportunity to share this news with Philip, I suggested that making some changes in the film, like cuing out the dancers, might bring a more positive response from Swami. Philip was willing to give it a try, so we met again in Holland for three days of editing and of rewriting some of the narration. Philip was willing to do almost anything I suggested. Then off I went to see Swami with this new version in hand.
During an interview, I told Swami about the re-edited version and gave him the film. Swami simply put it aside saying he was not interested in people finding out about him by way of films. He said that the way people would hear about him was from one person to another, heart speaking to heart. My love for Swami deepened as I saw the extent of his detachment. I saw more clearly that the making of the film was not to promote him, but was for the spiritual upliing of the participants. I also knew that millions would someday see the film and that the timing was in his hands.
How enlightening to see that Swami actually does not need or want anything from anyone, only our love. He is completely detached. He brings people close to him only to give. Experiencing his selfless actions only deepened my love for him. All his actions were for our own spiritual development, not for anything he wanted. I was learning that offering service to God was for the opening of our own hearts, for our transformation. The outcome was completely His, and we must do our best and then, let go, and let God.
Learning to Let Go
I remembered my early talks with Philip about how to approach Swami with the proposal for the film. I had an intellectual understanding that the outcome was in Swami’s hands. Our position would be to sincerely ask for his guidance at all times, and to carry out his instructions to the leer. Our total aim was to please him, and the making of the film was

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