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manner swore at the head nurse. Linda gently and caringly paed the woman on the shoulder and said, “You’re using rude language because you are frightened. Don’t be frightened; the nurse doesn’t want to hurt you. The medicine is for your benefit and will help you feel under beer control. Speak nicely to the nurse and take your medicine.”
This kind act calmed the disturbed woman and she willingly took the medicine. Linda was happy to see how her love and right speaking helped the disturbed woman, and in turn, helped herself. The experience planted the idea in Linda’s mind that one day she might again be able to work as a nurse and help others.
Practicing Detachment (the Art of Releasing)
Being a detached witness means emptying the mind of desires and expectations, while filling it with love. Detachment does not mean suppression or denial of feelings and thoughts. It is a receptive state of mind in which a therapist can more clearly see the patient’s struggle and its origin, even when the patient is not aware of the origin of his own disturbance. It can be accomplished by meditating on God, which fills the mind with healing love, and breathing out negative feelings, stirred by the patient’s negative projections, into the vibration of Om or any name of God. By being open and God connected, a therapist intuitively experiences another’s reality.

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