Page 10 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 10
In current era, there is no one in the this world that has
been spared from having to face challenges (problems)
in life. These challenges are not given to us to make us
weak and be disheartened. They are in fact the stepping
stones of how we can slowly reach our goals. In our
daily work life, we come across many situations where
we encounter problems. Anything that does not work
the way we want is termed as ‘Problem’. Some people
are bogged down by these problems, whereas others CA Amit Desai
don’t seems to be affected by them. Some people even
look forward to problems!
Controllable Problems: These problems can be overcome by us because we
know their root cause and can, therefore, take corrective action to eliminate
them. Although these problems can be tackled, many people do not care to go
for systematic diagnosis and, therefore, do not come to the root cause of the
Uncontrollable Problems: Some problems are caused by the reasons outside
the person’s control. For example, changes in government policy, political
developments in other countries may create some problems for export units.
Problems created by us: You may be surprised to be told that several
problems are our own creations. A negative attitude or wrong behavior may
lead to many human relations problems.
How to treat a problem: Once the type of problem is diagnosed correctly, it
should be treated in such a manner that the root cause is eliminated to the
extent possible. Controllable problems call for corrective actions, where as
uncontrollable problems calls for adaptive actions. Self-created problems
require only an honest self-analysis to come to the root cause so that it can be
eliminated forever.
Attitude of mind: Locating and solving problems is an attitude of mind.
Once the right type of attitude is manufactured , many problems can be
solved without conscious effort on the part of the individual.