Page 11 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 11
Self created problems would cease to exist. Controllable problems would also
be taken care of.
Problem-avoiders hate problems. They will do everything they can to ensure
that problems do not come to them. If their junior brings a genuine problem to
them, they shout at them. They dislike any problem situation. These people
dream of utopia where problems don’t dare to show their face.
These managers do not have any respect for systematic diagnostic techniques.
They are not interested in finding out the root cause – they just want the
problem to disappear! Some of their subordinates do oblige them by not
bringing any problems to them. The problems don’t disappear; they are only
brushed under the carpet. Such an attitude of mind creates more problems than
solves them!
Problem-solvers equip themselves with systematic problem solving techniques
so that they are not upset with any problem whatsoever. They can come to the
rational solution of each and every problem. If the rational solution calls for
corrective actions, they take them. If it calls for adaptive action, they adapt to
the situation. These managers are ready to face the problems. They are in high
demand in any organization because they can apply logic creativity to arrive at
the solution. They maintain their cool irrespective of gravity of the situation.
Apart from these two types of people, we find another breed of managers fast
emerging on the corporate scene. These are the problem-hunters who look
forward to problems very aggressively. Are these people pessimists? Some
people firmly believe so because of their habit of trying to locate a problem in
any given situation. Why do they hunt for problems? What do they get from it?
These are the managers who firmly believe that Every problems is an
opportunity in work clothes. They look forward to problems because they want
to tap the underlying opportunities. What the caterpillar calls the end of the
world, the Master calls a butterfly! These are the most optimistic people
because they believe that all existing situations can be improved upon – the
only stumbling block being identification of such opportunities.