Page 11 - THE QATAR TALKS 2019
P. 11
The Humane Connection
In the world of information and technology the term Keeping this in mind, for the last 15 years the erstwhile
communication stands out in all its glory because of ICC One championship , now renamed as ‘Qatar Talks’
its deep connection with the heart. Often it is seen that is striving relentlessly to provide a platform to discover
information shared takes recluse at some corner of the promising speakers of Qatar, from different walks of life
mind whereas communication overcomes all barriers to and offering them a platform to exhibit their skills and
establish a bond between the speaker and the listener. hone their confidence in public speaking.. ‘Qatar Talks’
has evolved over the years and has given a vast number
of individuals an opportunity to display their skills and
“Connections are made with the heart, not the tongue.”
says C. Joy Bell a writer.. So when you speak, be genuine learn from the strengths and weaknesses of one another..
and speak from the heart The words spoken thus
ring clear and honest, resulting in increased effective On the occasion of the 16th year since its inception,
connection with the audience. my best wishes are with the organizers and all those
involved in the smooth running of the programme. The
Today, when communication has gained immense participants are the stars of the evening and I encourage
importance in the world we are a part of, effective them to perform to the best of their ability and may the
communication plays a vital role in bringing people best among them carry off the trophy with pride and be
together. That’s why it is rightly said that once you have an inspiration to others.
mastered the art of communication everything else falls
into place . The words spoken should be able to touch
the heart of the speaker and then make it’s way to the
head, convincing him/her and inducing him to grasp the Susmita Pattnaik,
message and then decide to utilize it in his life. Whether Chief Coordinator.
you are a speaker or a listener, the situation becomes a
win win one only when the two are able to connect with
one another. Else, the speech rendered becomes a garble
of words having no effect on the audience at all.
Communication is the key to success, you learn and win !