Page 9 - THE QATAR TALKS 2019
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s part of its Social Responsibility And Commitment This is my advise to all our Finalists. All our Contestants
Ato the multi-national Community to promote are already Winners! However they will be surprised
Communication and Leadership skills, ICC-ONE at the improvement in their communication skills
(International Competent Communicators) is irrespective of the results.
conducting its annual looked forward to Contests open
to all residents of Qatar. Remember what Oprah Winfrey, the American
television personality said, “Do the one thing you
We are in the pursuit of finding Champion Speakers for think you cannot do. Fail at it. Try again. Do better the
the year 2019 in Qatar. second time. The only people who never tumble are those
who never mount the high wire. This is your moment.
These 16th annual looked forward to Contests open Own it.”
to all residents of Qatar have been rebranded as the
QATAR TALKS Championships 2019 My sincere THANKS for the whole hearted support and
Contests. cooperation of our numerous Sponsors, our ever willing
Multinational Judges, our Club members, our young
Plato, the ancient Greek philosopher has said, Volunteers, our numerous Well wishers and above all the
“Wise men speak because they have something to say; Contestants.
Fools because they have to say something.”
Wishing the Organizing Committee and the
We give the best opportunity to all Contestants for Finalists the VERY BEST!
enlightening our audience with their wise as well as
hilarious views! Yours sincerely
St. Jerome, the biblical translator has said, “Good,
better, best. Never let it rest. Till your good is better and M.I. Farid
your better is best!” Founder Convenor
Communication is the key to success, you learn and win !