Page 13 - THE QATAR TALKS 2019
P. 13


              Steps to leadership building                       •   Communication is another important area to work on.
              Sitting out on the balcony of my flat in Delhi with a cup of   Unless one possesses this skill, it would not be possible
              coffee, watching the tiny tots at play in the park below. One   to reach out to your team. When trying to improve
              particular child caught my attention. He seemed very much In   ones communication skills it is important  to remember
              control of the game in progress. Curious I sat there watching   to keep  to simple, grammatically correct language,
              him even though my coffee cup was empty.              and  clarity in pronunciation. Avoid aping  accents
                                                                    which would  not suit your personality. What one must
              Very methodically he ensured that  they were in a neat file as   remember is that  the target is to work as a group  and  not
              they  went  through the arch made by two outstretched arms of   highlight  ones own superiority.
              his counter parts. The old game of ‘oranges and  lemon’.  •   Guide and  delegate is the next mantra. A good leader
                                                                    not only instructs but also listens to suggestions , some
              I was amazed at the leadership quality of the little one and  how   of which may be incorporated in the project in hand.
              the others followed his instructions. They were between 4 and    Study the  group and  delegate work accordingly.  All the
              6 years of age.  It set me thinking. There is a spark of leadership   while monitor the work in progress, offering assistance
              in each one of us and  all it needed was nurturing.   wherever required. In the  process ensure that  no
                                                                    member of the team is belittled. Corrections , if any,
              How could  one go about it. First of all it is important to develop   should be on a one to one basis.
              ones personality and confidence. It is important  for the leader
              to be well informed and  proactive. The planning of the project   •   Help to groom your team in a subtle manner. Never try to
              in question should be well researched and  planned by the   enforce them into doing  things your way. Suggestion and
              leader, who should be thorough before launching it. Once this is   leaving  options open to them would always yield better
              brought about he would be in a position to lead  others. Now let   results.
              us focus on the qualities which should be apparent in a leader  •   A leader should put his team into the limelight  without
                                                                    projecting himself to the forefront. A good example
                •   I would rate  self development as the prime  need . It is   would be a fashion show where the participants face the
                   important for the individual to update himself / herself    limelight  throughout the show. The designer appears on
                   on the area he wishes to take  up as a leader as the team   stage and  is introduced to the public last.
                   would look upto him for guidance.
                •   Grooming oneself is also very important. The attire, the
                   manner in which you conduct yourself etc makes a world
                   of a difference. This does not mean wearing expensive   Malini Sahni
                   outfits or accessories.  The mantra is ‘whatever you
                   wear, wear  it well.’ An excellent example of this is
                   Swami  Vivekananda or  Sr. Shivani. Perfect examples of
                   personality in simplicity

                                   Communication is the key to success, you learn and win !

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