Page 75 - MODULE1_Insurance Introduction_CHA
P. 75
Any applications that pose reasonable risks are accepted
and those posing lower or higher than average risks are
accepted at lower or higher rates" of premium than normal.
Some may be triggered for pre-issuance medicals. Any
applications posing unreasonable risks are declined but only
after quantifying the risk as every lead that is declined has
already cost the insurer and it is denying potential
business. The job of accepting or declining the proposals of
insurance received by a company and deciding on the
premium at which to accept the proposals is done by the
underwriting department.
Underwriting is of two types:
- STP or Automated UW: In this category fall proposals of
lower sum assured; young age and no disclosures.
- Medical underwriting: Each insurer has a matrix that
dictates the tests/ medical examination a proposal with
differing variables of age, sum assured, medical history and
habits history. These cases are manually underwritten as
per life tables prepared by the Actuary. Based on the
findings, some extra tests may be triggered.
Different insurers in different countries have highly varying
matrices, which are partly dictated by their re-insurer.