Page 82 - MODULE1_Insurance Introduction_CHA
P. 82
receives brokerage as a percentage of the premium from
the insurer.
13. Is having an insurance policy enough?
In spite of number of advantages of insurance, it has certain
limitations. On account of such limitations, the benefits of
insurance cannot be availed in full and hence having an
insurance policy is not enough.
All the risks cannot be insured. Only pure, identifiable risks
can be insured and speculative risks are not insurable.
Insurable interest (financial interest) i.e. the subject
matter of insurance either at the time of insurance or at
the time of loss, or at both the times must be present, in
the absence of which the contract of insurance becomes
In case the loss arising from the happening of the event
cannot be valued in terms of money, such risks are not
Another important limitation is that the premium rates are
higher in some countries & as such, certain category of
people cannot avail the advantage of insurance. The main
reason for the higher rate of premiums is the higher