Page 67 - DemoZone Magazine Issue 003
P. 67

You have been running the boat party's for a while where do you see it going in the next few years will we be sailing up the loch?
It's a total shame for the whole area that the Maid of the Loch hasn't been given the funding they need to get the old lady paddling again. The amount of work that the volunteers do is unbelievable and without them, there'd be no boat at all. We have been doing the Boat Parties for 5 years now, to raise funds for her just to survive the winters. The Maid operates as a tourist attraction and function suite for weddings etc. from April 'till October, which is a short season to raise funds. We hope that one day soon there will be someone who will realise the importance of this kind of history. The Maid was the last ever paddle steamer to be built in the UK and was build locally on the Clyde. She almost saw her demise had it not been for the local council who bought her over and saved her from the rust yard in 1992 and then the Loch Lomond Steam Ship Company continued restoring the old vessel to her former glory from 1995 onwards. It's going to cost quite a bit to get the old paddles going again though. We will continue to do the Boat Parties every year until the time comes when the funding arrives and the proper work commences. Then we'll see about the Boat Parties setting sail (or should that be paddle) up and down Loch Lomond. As it is, the Boat just sits moored in the water and we party there.
That's a wee bit of history for you there, although as far as the parties go, we will just keep doing them and continue raising funds for a great cause. We certainly have a wee festival that is on the map now and becoming bigger every year, we will always have the same underground vibe though with the focus on fresh local talent as well as one or two who have been around for a while and made a name for themselves.
You have always been a man for using the 12 inchers on the Technics but I hear your now thinking of going towards the digital side of life how does that feel?
I have only ever played vinyl since I started DJ'ing, so this is a whole new experience. It's going to mean a lot less to carry around. Instead of 100 odd vinyl, I'll now have a couple of bags, one with a laptop and the other with a controller, oh! and 2 usb sticks in my pocket. I'm very much enjoying the digital experience. It's good to get tracks instantly from the net instead of praying that your new vinyl arrive in the post in time for the weekend. For many years now I've had DJ friends badgering me to move over to the digital side of life, but I can be a very stubborn person and I certainly dug my heels in with this one. I'd had a wee shot on CDJ's and digital controllers belonging to friends over the years, but I didn't feel the vibe for them at all. It was only at the start of this year that Changy, who I do the System Crash night with and who was also a very headstrong vinyl only guy, said that he was moving over to the "dark side" and I just found myself following him down that track. It seemed like the right time for me too. I have to say again, I'm very much enjoying the digital experience in so many ways, but It doesn't mean I've suddenly forgotten how to use a set of 1210's though eh!
You have been on the scene for a while now how does the music industry seem now, as to where it was in the past, do you think its a good thing there are a lot more people involved or do you think it struggles to get good new music out there now?
I think the most obvious change is the technology. There are undoubtedly many, many more DJ's and tracks out there than there used to be back in the day and it's much easier for the average guy or gal to get to express themselves with music as the technology is much cheaper and easier to use, that can only be good surely? Who knows how many amazing tracks and new sounds there are tucked away in loads of people's heads. I say, let's get them all out on the table and then there would never be any stagnation of music, ever. The more the merrier and I firmly believe that anyone who is out there doing it should be offering a ladder and a big hand up to anyone starting out. I know I've always looked out for fresh talent and some have gone on to do quite well.
Every scene comes and goes in a way, yet it actually never changes. There are many branches that are the new sound of the now, then the now passes and there's something else that has a slightly different sound. These different branches have the underground vibe until people just keep with the same formula for too long and it stagnates, then it all just comes back to pure Techno again, like a home-coming. All of these wee journeys are exciting at the start and it's all to do with your age and peers to a degree. I remember loving nothing more than jumping about in the Metro and Hanger 13 to the old Happy Hardcore when I was a teenager, but it doesn't float my boat these days. People change and the music around them changes to suit the vibration of their times.
Going back to the boat you have had a few good guests on, are there any you would like to mention that just had that special touch on one of your nights?
Every one of the bands, DJ's and Hip-Hop guys and gals who have given their time and amazing vibes to the cause over the past 5 years deserves an equally warm pat on the back. The range has been so diverse and most of the acts have been from all around Scotland, with only a few so far coming from further afield. It's always had that kind of intimate festival vibe which is what makes it so special. The most mentioned compliment we hear from the crowds, is always how amazing the vibe is and that it's just such a happy and welcoming atmosphere. The artists certainly help with that because every single one of them has come along and given their all and played like they were having a ball. A few that spring to mind though: Doghouse from Sicknote, who came all the way from Cardiff and played a blinder with his solo stuff; Nikki Flame played an outstanding closing set last year that people still rave about to this day, which is why she's back again this year (as is Doghouse.) Another massive shout goes out to an Irish guy called Paul Newhouse who some of you might know. He travelled over from Dublin for the cause and brought his own style of Tribal Grooves to the Bonnie Banks. Some of the more
local DJ's I've enjoyed most will include Raymond (the other one) from bullet:dodge, Mofo, Deep n Dirty, Eddy & Iain, Rob Riot, Elliot Castro and Foliage. There were some great live acts too over the years, the likes of Bombskare, Mistah Bohze & NC Epic, Mickey 9s, Twistettes, Ciaran Mac, Erin Friel & Girobabies did the trick for me. One to watch out for on the Live Techno scene is Paisley duo Robert Todd & Darren Corbett of Technogramm, they've just released their first album and are churning out the tunes. Some of these guys and gals are back playing again at this year's Boat Party.
This year we're very excited to have the legend that is Egebamyasi, a guy who I've had on the wish-list for a few years now and is finally available. Another few newcomers to the Boat Party are dekkstrum & Medhat from sub:Merged and DaGeneral (General Surgery/ This Is Techno Live) It's all shaping up to be another sell-out this year and we are now doing a collective sun-dance for the weather as this is Scotland we are talking about.
You have played many gigs all over Scotland, but have you anything coming up further afield?
As it has played out, I've not been away playing all over the world as some guys do, but that has suited me as it was never about the globe- trotting. I've had a few offers here and there for gigs in other parts of the UK, but it was just never good timing for one reason or another. I am however, going on an 8 day tour of Europe with my missus and some friends for my 40th next year at the start of February and the plan is to fit in some gigs along the way, so this should be quite a memorable birthday, if we have any memory of it haha.
How can we get a hold of you online?
I have Facebook and Mixcloud and that'll do me for now, so many options to contact people, but I don't have a twitter or soundcloud. My Facebook is / and mixcloud is /serotonic
Can you tell us of any new tracks that you are going be bringing out over 2015 and when to watch for them?
I am going to be involved in a few new collaborations and side projects this year with a few different people, but the main one is with two guys who I feel privileged to be making tunes with. Alan Montgomery and Ricky Kyle who have four albums out already as their band The Afteraffects We are teaming up to create a new sound as "Apprentice System." We've had a weekend session in the studio so far and knocked out two tunes which now just need polishing. There will be another couple of gatherings before our first gig at the Boat Party. We were going to keep this all under wraps until the gig and build some suspense as to who we are, but there's no point being interviewed for Zone Magazine and keeping this kind of news quiet. So, there you go, an exclusive ha!
Words By Stephen Pearson & John Steel Pics By Sam Stevenson & Kerin McEwing

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