Page 30 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 30
RedZone is a premiere fitness lifestyle brand that inspires and guides people to achieve active,
healthy and balanced lives through effective, efficient and addictive workouts that fuel
transformations. RedZone workouts are guided high-intensity trainings that push you in and out
of various heart-rate zones while monitoring your activity level. We passionately believe in the
following principles.
Life is a balance of work and play. We are better together.
Do the workout and then eat the donut or drink the What motivates each of us is different. And we can
beer. It’s not about deprivation; it’s about all push past our personal limitations when we’re
celebration. We train to live and not the other way surrounded by people who are rooting for us and
around. on a journey of their own.
Every body has potential. Life is out there.
Whatever our size, shape, ability or fitness level, we And it’s ours for the taking. New adventures,
can start where we are—today—and we’ll achieve experiences and opportunities abound. We work to
things we never imagined. be our healthy best so we can go after them!