Page 127 - EALC C306/505
P. 127
徑 jìng (N) a path, a side path or shortcut
曾 céng (Adv) to have V’ed in the past
緣 yúan (V) to trace a path, to follow; (CV) on account of
掃 săo (V) to sweep
蓬 péng (N) a bushy plant with pliable stems, used for lattice-work
盤 pán (N) a dish or tray
餐 can (N) cooked food, a meal
兼 jian (V) to combine; (Adv) to V two objects at once; (Adj/SV)
味 wèi (N) flavor
尊 zun (N) a goblet [more fully written 樽; N.B. zun 尊: (V) to revere]
只 zhǐ (Adv) only, merely
舊 jìu (Adj/SV) old
醅 pei (N) unstrained wine
肯 kĕn (Aux. verb) to be willing to V
鄰 lín (N) a neighbor; (Adj) neighboring, next door
翁 weng (N) an old man, a geezer
隔 gé (V) to separate; (Adj/SV) separated
籬 lí (N) a bamboo fence