Page 129 - EALC C306/505
P. 129
certainly straightforward; however, I’m not aware of any other indication that jiang
served as a simple conjunction in WYW.)
13.7 (Dù Fǔ, line 5)
Páncan 盤餐 is a noun that has no grammatical link to what follows; it should be
regarded as a type of sentence adjunct: the stage is set with a dish of supper. Shì yǔan 市
遠 (a noun-complement, or noun-SV phrase) should be taken as a second adjunct: the
market being distant is an elaboration of the stage setting. The succeeding line follows
similar logic.
Written Exercises
I. Mix and match -- match each question with the best answer & translate both
1. 王維曷以飲其友乎 a. 但見其影矣詩人未言其物
2. 君子奚不得意於世乎 b. 未學樂道則不得明於此
3. 琴音胡能使友知己心乎 c. 蓋貧而不識酒之善否者歟
4. 池中惡能望月哉 d. 將與之別離故也
5. 杜甫惡乎呼老翁而與之舊醅 e. 以世君未必舉執仁義者而用之
II. Translate
6. 凡為君不仁而賈利其民者不可不懼民之叛
7. 夫歌花間一壺酒者蓋不知花香已足以使人極樂
8. 周代儒者孟子曰唯聖人能養浩然之氣於其身唐代有詩人姓孟名浩然者其父蓋甚樂
Supplementary Exercise Vocabulary
曷 hé (Interrogative particle) why (like 何); why not (like 盍)
奚 xi (Interrogative particle) why, how
胡 hú (Interrogative particle) why, how