Page 21 - EALC C306/505
P. 21


                          從      cóng  (V) to follow

                          今      jin     (N) the present day; (Adv) now, nowadays

                          以      yǐ      (CV) in order to, on account of, by means of; (V) to take

                          要      yao    (V) to control (often coercively), to seek and get (often by coercive
                                         means); (N) the waist

                                         [N.B. Distinguish from 要 (yào): (V) to want; (CV [MC]) shall in
                                         the future (future tense marker)]

                          既      jì      (Adv) [having] already

                                     既 V 1 而 V 2  Having V 1-ed, to V 2.

                          棄      qì      (V) to discard

                          惑      hùo     (N) confusion about alternatives, perplexity, wrongheadedness

                          甚      shèn   (SV) extreme, utmost; (Adv) extremely

                          終      zhong  (Adv) in the end; (N) an end; (V) to end

                          亦      yì      (Adv) also, surely, indeed

                          必      bì      (Adv) certainly, necessarily, must

                          亡      wáng  (V) to perish

                                                    Grammar and Notes

                   2.1 The particle zhĕ 者

                   Zhĕ is a very common particle in WYW. It is always a nominalizer – it is bound to the
                   word or phrase that precedes it and either reinforces its nominal character or transforms it
                   into a noun.

                   Zhĕ may generally be considered a short form of one of three phrases:
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