Page 83 - EALC C306/505
P. 83
5. 有老農之不識字者欲學儒道求師以學而儒者皆笑之老子謂之曰群儒
6. 司馬譚漢代史者也謂先漢諸子曰道家及儒家也其道甚深矣墨家次之
7. 墨子所言者不可忘之教也雖然謂之真道似過矣
II. Translate into Chinese:
1. Why did Mencius instruct the Duke of Téng about King Tài?
2. Because he wanted the duke to awaken to the strength of righteousness.
3. However, practicing righteousness was something that the duke simply was not able
to do.
4. I’ve heard it said that a teacher should not teach to others what he can’t practice
5. Who says Mencius was capable of doing what he urged the duke to do?
Supplementary Exercise Vocabulary
初 chu (Adv) at first, at the beginning; (Adj) first; (N) the beginning
鬼 gǔi (N) ghost (sometimes human, sometimes not)
神 shén (N) human spirits; (Adj/SV) miraculous, spirit-like
鬼神 gǔishén: (N) ghosts and spirits; (R+R) supernatural beings
畏 wèi (V) to fear
書 shu (N) writing, a letter, a book; (V) to write
友 yǒu (N) friends; (V) to befriend
吉 jí (N) good fortune; (Adj/SV) auspicious
凶 xiong (N) ill fortune; (Adj/SV) inauspicious, baleful, evil
吉凶 jíxiong: (N) good and bad fortune; (R+R) the future (in
terms of good or bad outcomes)