Page 88 - EALC C306/505
P. 88



                          明      míng  *(SV) bright; (V) to make bright

                          親      qin     *(TV) to stay close to, to treat as a family member

                                         Note: There is a key variant reading here. Some editions and many
                                         scholars read xin 新 ([V] to renew; to make new), rather than qin
                                         親. This is one of the great philosophical disputes in Chinese
                                         history. (What changes would the variant reading make in the
                                         meaning of the text?)

                          后      hòu     (Prep) after [identical to 後]

                                         而后 ér hòu: after, only after [identical to rán hòu 然後] (N.B.: “X
                                         ér hòu Y” indicates that Y follows X)

                          靜      jìng    (SV) calm, tranquil

                          慮      lǜ      (V) to deliberate

                          得      dé      *(V) to grasp (an idea, a skill, a Dao)

                          末      mò      (N) a branch tip, an endpoint, an inessential consequence

                                         本末 bĕnmò: root and branch (tip). This is an R+R compound
                                         pointing to the root-branch structure of events; it refers to the issue
                                         of essential versus inessential elements in affairs.

                                         終始 zhongshǐ: an R+R compound. This compound can connote
                                         either the temporal orderliness of life (in which can its sense is
                                         identical to shǐzhong 始終), or the fact that events are in perpetual
                                         flux (endings are beginnings).

                                         先後 xianhòu: R+R compound meaning “priorities”; here, together
                                         with sǔo 所, literally meaning, “that which should be put first and
                                         that which should be put last”

                          近      jìn     (V) to approach, to be nearby; (SV) nearby

                          齊      qí      *(V) to make equal, to put in order; (SV) even, equal

                          誠      chéng  (SV) sincere, ethically genuine; (V) to make ethically genuine; (N)
                                         sincerity, ethical authenticity; (Adv) sincerely, truly
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