Page 91 - EALC C306/505
P. 91



                   7. 射必專氣氣未專則執弓不正弓不正則矢不直矢不直而中鵠者未之有

                   8. 老子有疾謂孔子曰余將卒矣雖然猶欲問道於子對曰嗚呼善問哉朝聞

                   II. Translate into WYW; favor terseness over exactness:

                   1. Those who do not wish to make their reputations glorious throughout the world are few.

                   2. The essential aspect of my explanation lies in its making clear what is not clear.

                   3. What you have not yet made clear is the way to rectify a state.

                   4. If we were to make it so that everyone’s station in life were equal, there would be

                   5. The never-ending cycle of life is the great way of the world.

                   Supplementary Exercise Vocabulary

                          明      míng  *(V) to understand, to make clear

                          就      jìu     (V) to go to

                          妙      mìao  (Adj/SV) marvelous

                          微      wéi     (Adj/SV) subtle, slight, imperceptible; (N) subtlety

                          賤      jìan    (Adj/SV) low status, cheap

                                         貴賤 gùijìan: (R+R) status

                          位      wèi     (N) office, rank, role or status in society

                          太平  tàipíng: (N) grand peace, utopia

                          楚      chǔ     (N) name of a major Zhou era state in the mid-Yángzǐ 楊子 River
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