Page 95 - EALC C306/505
P. 95
惠 hùi (N) grace, munificence, favor
梁惠王 Líang Hùi Wáng: king of the state of Líang (Wèi 魏) 370-
319 B.C.
盡 jìn (V) to exhaust; (SV) exhausted
河 hé (N) a river (in Classical texts, hé generally denotes the Yellow
River [Húang Hé], other waters and the generic term river being
denoted by shǔi 水 and chuan 川)
內 nèi (Prep) within, in
河內 Hénèi: The region north of the confluence of the Yellow and
Lùo 洛 Rivers
移 yí (V) to move, to shift, to transfer
東 dong (N) the east; (Adj/SV) east
河東 Hédong: The region just east of the bend of the Yellow River
粟 sù (N) unthreshed grain, rice, millet
察 chá (V) to investigate into; (SV) insightful
鄰 lín (Adj) neighboring; (N) neighbor, neighborhood
政 zhèng (N) government, governance, administration
如 rú *(V) to resemble; (Adv) if
用 yòng *(V) to employ, use; (N) expenses, expenditures
加 jia *(SV adjunct) when jia precedes an SV, it gives the SV a verbal
force: 加高 to become tall/taller; 加白 to become white/whiter
戰 zhàn (N) warfare; (V) to make war, to go into battle
喻 yù (N) a metaphor; (V) to understand, to cause to
understand (through a verbal device such as an
argument or metaphor)