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     Eastern High School Pep Rally
Eastern High School held its 7-12th grade pep assembly on Friday, February 23rd. A lot of special recognitions occurred during the event including honoring twelfth grade IB Ambassadors Jazlynn Trevino & Evodie Kabala and recognizing Paulo Gordillo as an Honorary Quaker.
Of course, much more than recognitions took place during the pep rally. Key Club held a wildly successful pie in the face charity fundraiser – of course Principal Carruthers received his “fair” share. Class versus staff competitions also happened including a scooter race and tug of war. The Eastern cheerleaders performed and students were also able to show off their self- made banners!
The event, which was planned and put on by the Eastern student council in conjunction with staff, was one of the best the school has had in years!
   Page 7 | March 7 | Contents

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