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     Everett Hosts Poetry Slam
On February 22nd, three local poets; Masaki Takahashi, Grace Carras and Abbie Crick, visited Everett New Tech High School’s 11th Grade World Studies classes. These poets were invited by teachers, Cat Weaver and Brittney Dambro, to help their students see that poetry is another avenue for their voices to be heard about issues that are important to them.
The students are currently researching and creating an action plan to positively change something in their community. This project is the end product of a unit about humanism, community, revolution and social action throughout history.
This four hour workshop exposed them to local poets who write and speak about injustices in their lives and the lives of others, different methods of writing poetry and an opportunity to write and read their own poems in front of their peers. When students were asked to reflect on this experience, they stated that being brought together like that deepened their class community and ultimately, creating a stronger bond. They also enjoyed seeing their peers get out of their comfort zones, and appreciated the avenue to communicate even when they feel as though they have nobody to talk to.
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