Page 3 - Official April Newsletterl.pdf
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3 College Saving Strategies
                             For Adults and Students

             The numbers are staggering: 71% of students come out of college with loans,
        with average debt per graduate at $29,400 and a monthly payment around $351.20.
        Combined student and parent education debt of $1 trillion nationwide exceeds all
        outstanding credit card balances combined.
             These statistics aren't that surprising, considering four years at a private
        university just topped $169,000. The good news? Higher education continues to
        offer a significant return on investment, with college graduates earning twice as
        much as those without degrees.
             With student loan debt and education costs at all-time highs, many parents
        struggle to make the right trade-offs between keeping their kids out of debt and
        staying on track to a confident retirement.
             When it comes to your child, saving for college without impacting your own
        financial future can be challenging. However, when you work with a financial advisor
        on an education savings strategy - it may be possible. Follow these steps to prepare
        a college fund that aligns with your family's goals.
             Your advisor can assist with projecting future educational costs, addressing
        more complex planning needs for multiple children and finding the best savings
        strategy for your goals.
        Her e ar e thr ee education savings vehicles that could help you stay ahead of
        r ising costs.

        1. 529 Saving Plans
             Commonly referred to as "the 401(k) of education savings."  This popular savings
        vehicle allows funds to accumulate free of federal taxes. M any states offer tax
        breaks as well, including deductions for contributions and tax exempt withdrawals.
        The best part? Distributions aren't taxed as long as they're spent on qualified
        education expenses. Nearly every state offers at least one 529 plan, and the funds
        can be used at any accredited college or university in the country (as well as some
        foreign institutions).
             Some 529 accounts don't provide an adequate selection of investments to
        balance risk and growth. Your advisor can help you select a plan based on
        individual needs and goals.
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