Page 8 - Official April Newsletterl.pdf
P. 8
When we travel with grandchildren, their mom packs the children?s
outfits in Ziploc bags. This keeps things neat and organized, especially
when everyone is excited for today?s adventure! It also helps when there
are certain outfits I want them to wear on certain days. This can be
helpful for family camping or kids away at camp. Have you ever tried to
change 4-year old girl?s mind on her wardrobe choices? A hotel room is
not the time for life lessons? . If she has a bag that says ?Saturday
M orning? then she knows to wear that on Saturday morning. By bagging
her clothes, she isn?t sorting through 5 different outfits and she has saved
me 20 minutes of stress.
This is essential! Pack snacks for the car and for the hotel room, and
not just junk food! We make toasted spicy pecans before any road trip,
and we take Kind bars. A bag of carrots and a bag of grapes are an easy
way to eat veggies on the road. Some of our favorite snack bag favorites
are cereal or cereal bars, crackers of some kind, something sweet, peanut
butter crackers, granola bar, pouches, raisins, apples/ grapes/ bananas, or
carrots. When there is a refrigerator in our room, I like to go to the
grocery store and pick up some sandwich stuff, fruit, and carrots. We
always have a case of water in the car. The larger bottles may seem like a
better value, but how many get wasted? I prefer the smaller bottles or a
pack of each.
Unpack at the hotel. You?ll rest better. Use the drawers and closet to
organize the clothes. Keep a dirty clothes bag but don?t be afraid to use
the hotel?s laundry room! If you are taking home a weekend of dirty
laundry, having them in the hotel laundry bag will keep your clothes that
weren?t used clean.
Finally, look for interesting places to visit and to eat. Try out local
places, restaurants and parks. National parks almost always have very
interesting rangers who are happy to tell you about the park. Visit the
unusual points of interest and the tourist places. Look at each trip as an
opportunity to learn something while having fun.
Bon voyage!
Suzanne M. Minarcine, Ph.D.
Chief Academics Officer